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It was once said that there are three sides to every story: "Your Side, My Side, and The Truth"!


Seeking the Truth© is Specialty Resources Group essential training course. Seeking the Truth© is an interactive, educational and fun experience for an organization's employees.  Many employers find that our course fits perfectly in their in-house training curriculum or serves as a unique team building experience at annual training sessions or meetings.

The course is presented in an interpersonal environment by SRG experts who combine thought-provoking instruction and challenging exercises with relevant video to stimulate classroom contributions from every participant.

Seeking the Truth© assists and teaches our clients how to obtain reliable, usable information from their interviews by employing a streamlined combination of detection identification techniques, interviewing, and social influence skills. These non-confrontational, non-aggressive skill-sets are designed to significantly enhance the information gathering tools our clients already use, while helping them maintain good relationships with the people they interview. The course material is based on the most reliable scientific and experiential techniques known, continually updated for current improvements to meet the dynamic challenges of today's interpersonal business and personal relationships.

Seeking the Truth© participants will be enlightened to what deception is and the impact it could have on their personal and professional lives.  They will have an opportunity to assess their own current abilities of detecting deception and acquire techniques to eliminate personal bad habits and avoid common obstacles. Participants will learn to identify reliable verbal and non-verbal cues that indicate people:

  • may be unsure about the veracity of the information they are providing

  • may be omitting relevant information, or

  • may be purposely lying about the information they are providing


These veracity assessment skills can be applied to both verbal and written forms of communication.

To discuss how your organization could benefit from attending our Seeking the Truth© training course, please click on the link below to contact us for a free consultation.

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